
Adelaide City

IRL Networking in Adelaide January 2025

Join other South Australian Mediators and Dispute Resolution Practitioners for some informal networking

This is an Organised Live Networking Event for South Australian Mediators.

Who is organising? The organiser is Suzanne Pinyon. Suzanne is on the ADR committee of the Law Society of South Australia and is a Mediation Institute Member. You are invited to join this informal monthly catch up of members of either organisation.

When is it? Wednesday 29th January from 5 pm (Adelaide Time) 

Where is it? Waymouth street

How to RSVP for the reservation and get location details: Contact Suzanne Pinyon to confirm attendance (please confirm for numbers). If you don't have contact details for Suzanne, email office@mediationinstitute.edu.au for her email address. 

29/01/2025 17:00:00


29/01/2025 19:00:00


Adelaide City